I started yoga when I was 8 years old and then went on and off for some years. I tried a few years back and it wasn't what I had done before, it was not relaxing and more like an energetic class; for instance my passion for the spiritual side of the Surya Namaskar became a painful exercise. I left yoga and tried pilates, which till date I love and practice.
Few months back, Sabina Schladitz co-owner of Strala Yoga Barcelona invited me to try the class. I just loved it. I hadn't heard of it nor of the famous Tara Stiles the founder of this yoga.
It is a free style yoga, she is known as the rebel yoga founder. This yoga has no specific method and no spiritual affiliation; it is more about exercise. There are no teachers in Strala classes but guides, as they guide you on your path towards your inner self discovery.
Last weekend Tara Stiles was in Barcelona where she imparted a couple of master classes as well as presenting her book; and gave a small show-cooking.
I got the opportunity to meet this incredible woman, filled with energy and positiveness. She radiates love and light.
She was with her husband, he is the co-founder of this beautiful project. He helped answering some of the questions as well.
BelleBarcelone: Your passion became your career. How did it all start?
Tara Stiles: Strala started 10 years ago. When I was a child I used to do ballet and meditation. I learned yoga by exploration with ballet. I loved yoga, it's the most beautiful practice.
Strala started 10 years back, in our flat on Central Park. It was very relaxed with music. The people that came loved it, they found it magical as they could do much more than what they thought. People wanted more, we had the class and it was successful. It was so well accepted as it listened to the body. We just needed to deconstruct it to develop a method. We had the soup and we had to find the ingredients.
BB: Now Strala is in many parts of the world!
TS: Yes, we collaborate with the W Hotels as well as many gyms around the world. And we have Strala studios like the one here in Barcelona in some towns around the world ( Soho, NY- Singapore- Tokyo...). As I said Strala is the soup and each studio can grow in their own bowl. Here for instance Strala Barcelona has its very own personality. You can feel the special touch of their owners.
BB: In few words explain the essence of Strala
TS: You open your inner door and let the feelings flow. It is a moving meditation. It is in some ways similar to Taichi. It is all about movements guided by feelings.
Strala is strenght & balance. We liked the sound of it and then we found out that it meant : "To Radiate Light"!
BB: An advise you would give to stressed people?
TS: Slow down! Breathe enough so you have a chance to FEEL! Believe that what you feel is worth responding to and respond to it! You will see that you can do more with less.
BB: Tell me about Tara Stiles eats?
TS: It is a book with no specific diet. Do what makes you feel amazing. People feel better when they eat better.
BB: Your favorite restaurant?
TS: Café Habana
BB: A book?
TS: Siddharta by Herman Hesse. It is the spiritual journey of the self discovery of Siddhartha- Gautama Buddha.
BB: A favorite dish?
TS: Detox soup.
BB: What's the 1st thing you do in the morning?
TS: Roll on the bed, roll up like a baby and connect to my breath.
BB: 3 ingredients for a recipe?
TS: Coconut milk, broccoli & cauliflower. And of course a pinch of cayenne pepper.
BB: Your mantra?
TS: Follow how you feel!
Thanks Tara and Thanks Sabina & Rabbit Pr for this golden opportunity.
Sabina's mantra: Don't force what doesn't come natural!
Sabina & Natalia. Eva, the 3rd partner wasn't here yet. |
Sabina. |
Tara guiding the class. |
Strala Barcelona team with Tara Stiles. |
Thanks Tara :) |