am often asked what is my favorite restaurant in Barcelona. Between the
wonderful offer we have and the new openings every week, and nowadays the ample vegetarian options in almost all the restaurants; it isn’t very easy to answer. However
combining great ingredients, tasteful dishes beautifully served, great service
& genius chefs I would say Disfrutar. I
have gone there few times, and every time it is a wonderful surprise. Few weeks
back I had the opportunity to go with Geeta Bansal. It was a pleasure to meet this Indian chef as well as food journalist from California. She writes for diverse papers and has her own blog as well.
Following you can see the vegetarian options of their tasting menu.
- The beetroot from the earth & the rose litchi.
- Passion fruit & rhum frozen tongue.
- Stuffed "Pan chino" - brioche aerated in a siphon. Mine was stuffed with egg & truffle.
- Walnut sweet with Mango, tonka beans & whisky.
- Idiazabal cheese mille feuilles
Served with a homemade cider smoked at the moment.
- "Hostia" (communion wafer) with mandarin flower
- Disfrutar olives! I just love them bursting with flavors in the mouth!
- This was a refreshing bite. Gazpacho sandwich. A meringue bread filled the famous Spanish cold tomato soup: a gaspacho sorbet. Accompanied by a flavored vinegar.
- Very soft "Almonds" in vinaigrette, one of them is an almond and the others are beans shaped as an almond. The texture is intriguing.
- Pine nuts in different texture. A very interesting dish, while you discover and learn the secret of these pine nuts. To get the fresh soft pine nuts is a difficult and long process you can only do few weeks in June. I would call them the summer white diamonds.
- Crispy egg yolk served with a hot mushroom jelly.
The Coconut:
- 1-This coconut ganache transports you to some exotic destinations!
- 2-Continuing with the exotic flavors are these Coconut spaghettis in a thai broth.
- 3-For those who don't like cauliflower, please try this one. Black cauliflower with coconut & lime bechamel.
- As the "calçot" (a specific Catalan winter onion) isn't available in summer, these genius have prepared this white asparagus in the calçot method.
- Liquid salad, and tomato "Polvoron" with aberquina olive oil caviar. Polvoron is a type of heavy texture, soft and crumby type of shortbread. Very typical sweet during the festive season.
- Tomato seed salad with mango and fresh almonds.
- Sorbet of "Ajoblanco" (cold almond soup) with confit fresh almonds.
- Mango & Curry cones.
- Caprese salad: Mozzarela, tomato & Pesto.
- Multi spherical corn & avocado Tatin. Parmesan & truffle "coquitos"
The Desserts:
- Pandan bread!
- Black sesame ice-cream cone.
- 2017 Disfrutar Cherries!
- Mint Cotton candy powdered with cacao.
- The chefs ( two of the three genius) in their workshop: how they along with their team ideas are born and delivered to us for the ultimate gastronomic experience.